I´m either romanticising the past
or I´m busy worrying about the future
it´s no wonder
I don´t feel alive
I´m not living
in the only moment that´s real
rupi kauer

Øvelserne er guidede af Martin Guldberg, som er cand.phil., lektor på ARTS, Aarhus Universitet, uddannet klassisk sanger og underviser i mindfulness og mindfuld yoga. Han er uddannet yogalærer fra Kripalu Yoga and Health Center i Massachusetts, USA. Øvelserne er gratis.
Åndedræt og følelser
25 minutters guidet mindfulnessøvelse med udgangspunkt i vejrtrækningen og de følelser, der er lige nu.
Mindful pause
Denne 4 minutters guidede øvelse kan bruges som en lille pause med opmærksomhed og forankring.
Krop og åndedræt
Denne øvelse guider gennem krop og åndedræt til 12 minutters nærvær og opmærksomhed.
7-minutters body scan
7 minutters guidet body scan som kan laves liggende eller siddende. Øvelsen er en nænsom invitation til at lade opmærksomheden brede sig ud i kroppen og igen og igen komme tilbage til kroppen og nuet.
20-minuters body scan
20 minutters guidet body scan. Det kan være rart at lave den liggende under et tæppe. Via kropsgennemgangen bliver opmærksomheden guidet og trænet til at være tilstede lige nu, lige her i kroppen.
48-minutters body scan
Denne body scan varer 48 minutter, og er en mulighed for at træne opmærksomhed og nærvær i kroppen. Samtidig er det en invitation til afspænding. Øvelsen kan være som en pause og hjælp til at afspænde krop og sind.
18 minutters guidet øvelse som hjælp til bedre at kunne falde til ro og give mulighed for, at søvnen kan indfinde sig. Sæt den på, når du er klar til at gå i som et lille natritual.
YOGA | audio

Guidet mindful yoga
Denne øvelse er 44 minutters guidet yoga med særligt fokus på at være nærværende og venlig i denne blide yogasession, hvor alle kan være med. Tag de bløde bukser på og rul en yogamåtte eller et tæppe ud på gulvet.
Yogaen er guidet af Martin Guldberg, som er klassisk sanger og underviser i mindfulness og yoga. Han er uddannet yogalærer fra Kripalu Yoga and Health Center i Massachusetts, USA.
YOGA | video
Blanket yoga
"The practice of your dreams! Designed to help you handle stress and improve your mental, physical, and emotional health. Grab 1-4 (or 10) blankets, hop into something extra comfy, and meet me on the floor for this holistic yoga practice. This practice is both active and relaxing. Take some time for yourself and your well being."
Stress Melt
This 26 minute Yoga With Adriene break is designed to help you shift your gears and re-direct energy to serve! Recharge your batteries and use this grounding practice to align or re-align with what feels good.
Yoga for suffering
"In this gentle 20 minute yoga flow, you are invited to take a moment to surrender. No need to come with an agenda or worry about a specific outcome. Set down your burdens and let yoga take care of you. Welcome in a mindful moment and remember, you are not alone."
Yoga for anxiety and stress
"In this practice Adriene guides you through breath and body practices that serve you when you feel bad. Learn breathing techniques and spinal work that will assist you in moments of stress. Find release, create space and process your stuff."
Yoga to heal stress
"Take time for your mental, physical, and emotional health with this 20 minute Yoga To Heal Stress. Bring your awareness and attention to your breath and reduce cortisol levels with this gentle practice focused on calming and nourishing the systems of the body. Bring a pillow or two to this session."
Cozy flow
This easy, breezy, feel good floor practice is designed to help support you in any mood. It will move the body in all four directions to help you stretch out, feel balanced, and gently move energy. End your practice with some relaxing pranayama. Bookmark this video for when you need a calling back to the present moment. Bring a blanket and pillow to class, if you like."
Compassionate Friend
By Chris Germer, Ph.D.
Enjoy this 20 minute guided practice to become a bit more kind and gentle toward yourself. © Christopher Germer & Kristin Neff. Mindful Self-Compassion.
Self-Compassion Break
By Chris Germer, Ph.D.
This is a 6 minute guided Self-Compassion practice for whenever you need a little break in the midst of stress or distress.
Loving Kindness for Beginners
By Chris Germer, Ph.D.
This is a 20 minute guided practice with the purpose of bringing warmth and goodwill into your life.
Self-Compassion Break
By Chris Germer, Ph.D.
A short guided practice of self-compassion in the difficulties of COVID-19.
© Christopher Germer & Kristin Neff. Mindful Self-Compassion.
Self-Compassion in difficult times
By Dr. Kristin Neff
This is a talk on the vital importance of self-compassion and how we can we learn to be kinder to ourselves, especially when facing difficult times. This was filmed at an Action for Happiness online event on 20 July 2020.
How to be a Friend to Yourself
A short animation by The Scool of Life
The person we may find it hardest to be kind and sympathetic to is, surprisingly, ourselves. Yet being a friend to ourselves provides the only viable basis for living an emotionally fulfilled life.